Matrimonial Real Property Training Program
Online Training
The FNCPA Matrimonial Real Property online training course has been designed specifically for First Nations police services as an introduction to Matrimonial Real Property (MRP) issues, legislation, and policing on First Nations territories. The course provides police officers working on First Nations with the information required to respond to MRP policing issues through an introductory 1-hour course designed to reflect the FNCPA and First Nations cultures and realities.
Hosted by the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) on behalf of the FNCPA, Matrimonial Real Property Training for First Nations Police Services, is available in both French and English and is free to FNCPA member services. Others wishing to take the training may register through CPKN.
Course Description:
- 4 Sequential, Senario-based Modules
- Final Assessment with certificate upon successful completion
- 1-2 hour completion time
- Each Module includes:
- Narration
- Links to Resources
- Scenarios
- Knowledge Checks
- Audio Visual Elements (e.g., intro music, photos, graphics, video clips)
MRP Training-for-Trainers
The FNCPA is developing an MRP training-for-trainers workshop to assist training officers in member services to provide ongoing workshops and updates to First Nations police services officers. Given that First Nations may opt to develop their own MRP laws or may fall under the Federal Provisional Rules, local training is required to ensure that officers are aware of MRP laws in the communities in which they work.
The training-for-trainers workshops will be available in French and English. Member services will be sent registration information. Please contact Cori Slaughter, FNCPA’s MRP Coordinator for more information.
The MRP program includes news and updates, FNCPA website updates, and tools for use in the field.
The MRP Program enhances the capacity for the MRP and Communications Manager to participate in MRP meetings and events.
Matrimonial Real Property Training - CPKN
For more information, contact:
Cori Slaughter,
Matrimonial Real Property Coordinator
First Nations Chiefs of Police Association
Cell: 204-903-7809
Fax: 204-856-5389
Email: [email protected]

Cori Slaughter
First Nations Chiefs of Police Association Matrimonial Real Property Training Coordinator
Recently hired as the FNCPA Matrimonial Real Property Training Coordinator, Cori Slaughter brings her experience as the Inspector and Director of Operations for UCCM Anishnaabe Police Service on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. This position afforded her an appreciation for First Nations policing, the associated opportunities and challenges, and the vital need for community engagement on many levels.
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She has seven years of military experience prior to policing, including two NATO missions and after earning her wings, she was designated as a flight crew leader with the Canadian Forces 402 Squadron in Winnipeg. Following her military career, she co-owned and operated a Gold’s Gym franchise in Timmins, Ontario and was later elected Regional Director for the Ontario Physique Association.
Cori joined the Ottawa Police Service in 1990. Her tenure included General Patrol, Professional Development, Use of Force, Recruiting, Court Security, Information Management, Cellblock and Crime Prevention. She coordinated and instructed a volunteer Safety for Women program, raising over $26,000 for the United Way and its affiliates, earmarked for women and children in crisis. Her research on Women in Policing has been published in an international e-newsletter for Policing in Democratic Societies, and she is the author of a 4-part series on Profiles of Rapists for the World Elite Black Belt Society (WEBBS).
Cori is an international presenter and facilitator, having been invited to the United States, Budapest, Hungary, and the Republic of Georgia. Inspector Slaughter has presented in the areas of risk management, use of force and officer safety locally and internationally, as well as a fellow instructor at the Canadian Police College, and a regular guest lecturer at two Canadian Universities. Following her retirement from Ottawa Police, she took a contract position with the RCMP as the Air Services Branch Operations Quality Assurance Manager until accepting the UCCM APS position in 2020.
Cori was previously nominated for Ontario Women in Law Enforcement awards for mentoring and community service. She is a graduate of Carleton University and Charles Sturt University with a Certificate in Law Enforcement and a Bachelor of Policing with Distinction.