
Latest News Releases

Executive Elections

This is to advise you that the First Nation Chiefs of Police Association Annual General Meeting & General Election Executive positions, has been scheduled to October 27, 2020.

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FNCPA 2020 Conference Update

A message from the First Nations Chiefs of Police Executive

As you are aware, Canada is under a health advisory because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) virus. The First Nations Chiefs of Police Association Executive will be following the recommendations and guidelines of public health officials. We are taking proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our members and are postponing the FNCPA Conference & Awards to a later date. Thank you and take care.

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First Nations Chiefs of Police, Call For First Nations Policing To Be Entrenched As An Essential Service

At their Annual General Meeting in Toronto October 17-18, 2017 the First Nations Chiefs of Police Association (FNCPA) unanimously passed a resolution calling on the Government of Canada and its Provincial partners “to entrench First Nations Policing as an essential service,” provide adequate human resources, infrastructure, and operations and maintenance resources, and “sufficient, predictable and sustained funding that meets the unique needs of each department.”

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For more information:

Karen Haines
Executive Administrative Assistant
First Nations Chiefs of Police Association
c/o Manitoba First Nations Police Service

Tel.: (204) 856-5370
Email :