For more information:

Karen Haines
Executive Administrative Assistant
First Nations Chiefs of Police Association
c/o Manitoba First Nations Police Service

Tel.: (204) 856-5370
Email :


Vision Statement

  • To promote FNCPA as a nationally recognized organization.
  • To build partnerships with First Nations, Federal, Provincial and territorial governments, as well as non-policing and Justice stakeholders.
  • To build capacity by facilitating training for our members.
  • To promote and contribute to holistic justice and wellness strategies for our communities.

Mission Statement

First Nations Chiefs of Police Association speaks as one voice for the advancement and sustainability of self-administered First Nations’ policing in Canada, by aiding and developing innovative methods to enhance public safety and wellness, while embracing our communities’ unique cultural and traditional values.


The FNCPA exists to serve First Nation police services and First Nation territories across Canada by facilitating the highest level of professionalism and accountability in their police services, all in a manner that reflects the unique cultures, constitutional status, social circumstances, traditions and aspirations of First Nations.


Consistent with this mandate, the work of the FNCPA covers a wide range of responsibilities:

  1. Effective Policing on First Nations Territories
  2. Reflecting Cultural, Social and Constitutional Diversity
  3. Accountability
  4. Training
  5. Education
  6. Provision of Advice and Expertise
  7. Effective Partnerships
  8. Best Practices in Aboriginal Policing

For more details on responsibilities, follow this link.